New Minglewood Blues (The Grateful Dead)

I was born in a desert,
	raised in a lion's den
And my number one occupation
	is stealing women from their men

Well I'm a wanted man in Texas,
	busted jail and I'm gone for good
Well the sheriff couldn't catch me
	But his little girl sure wished she would

Yes and the doctor call me crazy,
	some says I am some says I ain't
The preacher man call me a sinner,
	but his little girl call me a saint

Well a couple of shots of whiskey,
	women round here start lookin' good
Couple more shots of whiskey,
	I'm goin' back to Minglewood

It's T for Texas,
	yes and it's T for Timbuktu
Yes and it's T for San Francisco
	Where the little girls know what to do

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